Kaylee Gelz

Communication Design Diploma

I have a passion for branding, logo design and illustrative work, and aim to build a career in those areas. After nine years as a hairstylist, working with clients to bring vision to reality,  I decided to return to school to expand my skill set. I am knowledgeable in HTML and CSS and am proficient in Adobe CC. I would describe myself as hard-working but easy-going. I love using creativity to solve problems and bring a client’s message to life through design.

Capstone project

For this project I created a cohesive series of illustrations based on quotes; bringing words to life through a digital art style. I capitalized on creativity, brainstorming and digital illustration skills. This project will help me in my future endeavors by allowing me to work on and showcase the ability to create a unified collection of work based on a specific theme.

I knew that I wanted to create a series of digital illustrations for this project. I began the process by brainstorming ideas for the concept of the series. I wanted to make sure that I had a clear concept so that the series would have a strong basis to build from. I landed on the concept of a series of illustrations based on quotes. The main goal of the project was to use Procreate to produce a unified collection of 5 illustrations that could be sold as prints and other merchandise items.

Once I had a finalized concept I researched quotes and selected five to base the illustrations on. I wanted to find quotes that evoked a mood or emotion that resonated with me and that I hoped would resonate with others. The goal of the project is for the feeling of the quotes to come through the illustrations, even without the words they’re based on.

I began compiling inspiration for the style and feel of the illustrations and collected snapshots of different work that I was drawn to. I used the inspiration to create a colour palette that would be used across the series to create  cohesiveness. I developed moodboards for the illustrations so that I could build ideas from there.

Color palette

Using the colour palette and moodboards and taking pieces from my collected inspiration I was able to create a unique style that would be used throughout the series of work. Drawing from the feeling that the quotes inspired in me, my initial ideas and from the moodboards, I developed the sketches and layouts for the illustrations. Having a strong concept and style direction was crucial in ensuring the works would be a unified collection, while expressing their own unique message.

After all the concept work and drafting was done I was able to begin on the fun and rewarding part, the full illustrations. Using my colour palette carefully to ensure the works remain balanced with each other, and utilizing my drafts and research, I completed the illustrations. I used Procreate to make the illustrations, and the process allowed me to become more familiar and comfortable with the program.

Digital illustration Process

Completed Illustrations

Taking symbols from the completed illustrations,  I created patterns. Using the colour palette and chosen fonts, I produced 3 images to be used as social media posts. The images can be used to promote the launch of the product and hint at the style of the artwork.  The social media posts can be used across multiple platforms- Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Social media post

Using Adobe Illustrator I designed mockups of the prints on both black and white paper. I created mockups of other merchandise that I felt would work well with the images, including a framed gallery wall, candles, tote bags, phone cases and apparel.

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Check out other student projects from the same year: