Tara Jakubiec

Communication Design Diploma

My name is Tara Jakubiec, growing up on Vancouver Island taking creative inspiration from the West Coast and nature was easy when the wilderness is your backyard. Discovering a joy for photography made for a smooth transition to both digital and traditional media. Incorporating my skills of colour theory and use of perspective into illustrations creates a unique viewpoint and style. Being a student in the Interactive Media, Communications Design program, I have versed myself with the skills of industry standard technology and the excitement of a lifetime of learning.

Tara Jakubiec's project

MARS Wildlife Rescue

An illustrative-based project with infographics and an interactive website.

Seeking out a project, I met with MARS to create graphics for information displays and graphics for their visitor centre, as well as handouts to educators to bring in students.
They also requested an interactive website with a clean display.

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Check out other student projects from the same year: